Buying or selling South Lake Tahoe real estate this spring? Find an experienced South Lake Tahoe Realtor and ask them what the current market conditions look like for both the neighborhoods you are looking to buy/sell in as well as the general market as a whole. Knowing details like average sold price, days on market, month supply and more can guide both buyers and sellers from setting the right listing price to coming up with a competitive offer. While the market can change at any time, below are the current numbers locally. These statistics are in comparison to the same time last year.
The sold prices for homes for sale in South Lake Tahoe has gone up for both the average and median sold prices. The average sold price for homes for sale in South Lake Tahoe has increased 4.1% $554,070. The median sold price for homes for sale in South Lake Tahoe has increased 4.1% at $460,000. Percentage of list price decreased to 97.2%. The median days on market is 76 and the average is 99.
The amount of South Lake Tahoe homes for sale is up 10.3% which is good news for buyers. The amount of pending sales did decrease by 7.9% while closed sales went down 5.1%. The month supply, which lets us know who has control of the market, went up 13.5% at 4.2. To understand this number a little better, a balanced market requires 6 months and anything 4 or less is considered a seller’s market. One thing to know about this report: this is for South Lake Tahoe real estate in general. If you have your eye on a certain area or want a report for a specific neighborhood, the numbers will likely be a bit different depending on the neighborhood. Your South Lake Tahoe realtor can provide a custom analysis for the areas you need. If you would like more information on the market, the buying or selling process or just want an idea of what is happening in general in the area, feel free to contact me. I would be more than happy to help!